Friday, March 18, 2016


HEARTWORM is a large worm infection that is worldwide in distribution and can infect a wide variety of species including dogs and cats. Mature worms lives in heart and vessels that supply blood to the lungs. Mosquitoes spread the disease from infected to healthy pets. When infected mosquito bites, it can transfer baby worms to a healthy pet where they start further development. When mosquito bites, nobody knows either that mosquito was infected or not and even a single bite of mosquito is sufficient to transfer the infection. If the heartworm goes undetected or proper remedy is not done to control baby form of worms, they will grow and develop into adults, then reproduce causing a very serious disease. Baby worms can survive in body up to 3 years. Adult worms may range from 16 to 28 cm (6 ½ to 11 inches) in length and can survive up to 5 years.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Flea Allergy is a common problem in cats and dogs. Fleas can multiply very rapidly. As they survive by taking blood from host through bites, it can cause blood loss in pets resulting in anemia. Moreover, fleas carry tapeworms and during grooming pets can eat the flea bodies carrying tapeworms. Some pets can show severe flea allergy dermatitis. Pet may start scratching and causing skin wounds. To avoid all these complications, better approach is to keep all pets on regular monthly flea preventive program in flea problem areas. If you have any questions regarding flea problem in pets, plz feel free to call:519-974-7387