Monday, February 27, 2023

Vets for Pets in Windsor ON

 It is that time of year to test your pets for HeartWorm. Heartworm is carried through mosquito bite and no one knows either mosquito was a carrier or free from worms. Testing is recommended before starting heartworm prevention. To schedule appointments call: 519 974 7387

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Vets for Pets in Windsor

 A full service veterinary hospital in Windsor offering wide range of pet services including complete wellness examinations, medicine, surgery, veterinary diagnostics, digital radiography, spay and neuter, microchipping, vaccinations, prescription foods, flea, tick and heartworm prevention. Call to schedule appointments:519 974 7387 Hours: M-F 9.00-6.00pm, Sat:9.00am-2.00pm

Rivard Animal Hospital 5635 Tecumseh RD E Windsor ON N8T 1C8

Sunday, September 16, 2018


VOMITING in CATS could be acute or chronic in nature.In some cases dietary changes may upset stomach turning into vomiting but some times linear foreign body or hair balls could be a cause. Infection, toxicity or parasitism are also among the differential list when vomiting does not stop at own. In some cases,other than gastrointestinal problems can be a causative agent for this problem.Some metabolic disorders like renal, hepatic, pancreatitis, or endocrine factors like hyperthyroidism or severe diabetic ketoacidosis could also cause vomiting in cats. A complete blood work, urine analysis and abdominal X-rays may be recommended to rule out the underlying cause for vomiting in acute serious or ongoing chronic vomiting cases

Monday, February 5, 2018


Canine Influenza, a newly emerging problem effecting dogs in our surrounding areas.It is an infection caused by a virus showing respiratory signs in effected pets.Problem is highly contagious and can target healthy pets especially immunocompromised pets which are at high risk.Infection can transfer by direct contact,by coughing or sneezing or through the contaminated hands,clothes or shared feeding bowls.
Effected pets may start coughing that vary from dry to moist or productive.Fever,nose discharges,lack of interest in food and loosing energy may be experienced in some pets.If you notice any of the above mentioned signs, do not wait till problem becomes serious and talk to your vet for the safety of your pets life.Make sure pets are properly immunized and well protected against infectious diseases to avoid serious complications

Friday, February 2, 2018


Dental health and ideal body weight are key factors that play a vital role in happy and glorious lifespan of your pet.Dental disease is a common and often overlooked problem in pets.As dental hygiene is an important part of maintaining your personal health,same-way it has equal importance for a healthy life of your pet.Regular teeth cleaning and brushing at home is highly encouraged to avoid plaque and tartar build up.If things are ignored for a long time,infection starts to grow in the effected areas and ultimately goes deep into tooth root.Once roots are damaged, tooth becomes loose and need to be pulled out or in some cases root canal may be an option but that may need referral to specialist, a board certified dentist. To avoid all these complications, we should not wait too long and try to fix the things at earliest.Regular veterinary dental exam by your vet should be routinely done and if plaque and tartar has already been build up, it should be taken care immediately.Rivard Animal Hospital is full service veterinary hospital offering complete dental care, including cleaning, polishing, tooth extraction and oral surgery. Please feel free to call at 519-974-7387 to schedule your pet’s dental exam today. We can also show you how to brush your pet’s teeth at home and recommend foods and treats that will help to minimize plaque and tartar buildup.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Methimazole is an antithyroid medicine used for treating cats that suffer from Hyperthyroidism Oral and trans-dermal administered options are available Side Effets: -Although cats can well tolerate oral medication, but some may experience mild to moderate GI upsets resulting in Vomiting, Diarrhea or Decreased appetite -Some cats may show facial excoriation(repeated urge to pick at one’s own skin) around neck and pinnea,blood dyscrasia(neutropenia,thrombocytopenia) Or Hepatopathies(increased liver enzymes) -Rarely Myasthenia Gravis(Neuromuscular weakness and positive Acetylcholine receptor auto-antibodies)may be seen Call your veterinarian if you noticed any unusual signs while your cat is taking methimazole

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


LYME DISEASE, also known as Borreliosis is an infectious bacterial disease that mainly effects Joints and Urinary system. Unfortunately both human and pets especially dogs can be a victim for the infection. Cats are also susceptible to infection but dog cases are more seen than cats, the reason could be being outside living environment, chances for exposure becomes more. Infection is mainly transmitted through tick bites. The causative organism can multiply in the tick body, enters the pet body through tick bite or attachments. Initially replicates locally in skin at tick bite site then moves from there to other tissues of the body. Some pets may show clinical signs but some may not show signs and may become carrier for the infection and pet owners may get infection from contaminated environment. Pets showing clinical signs may suffer from Lyme Arthritis. May have fever and sore, swollen and painful joints. Lymph nodes may be enlarged in effected cases. Some may show other signs like renal failure, ascities, respiratory signs, hypertension and / or eye problems Problem can be diagnosed by laboratory diagnostics including CBC, Chemistry and Snap test for Lyme disease. Radiographs of effected joints can be taken to rule out other causes of arthritis. Urinalysis is recommended in all Lyme positive cases along with proteinuria test. Cases can be treated by running antibiotics course. Some cases give good response to antibiotic but renal effected pets may not respond well. Some cases may need long term antibiotic combination treatment along with supportive care especially for renal issues. Although some vaccines are available in the market but tick prevention and control are the key things that play a role in disease prevention. Public health issue or aspect of Lyme disease should be kept in mind as the problem is ZOONOTIC in nature Risks Associated with Vaccines In general vaccines are safe but still some pets can show allergic reaction to certain part of vaccines, though chances are rare and generally are mild, of short duration and can resolve by their own. Call your veterinarian if you noticed any serious side effect or allergic reaction. Symptoms may include Vomiting, Diarrhea, Facial swelling, Severe scratching, Hives or Difficult breathing. Mild lethargy after vaccines is a normal and does not require any treatment, generally subsides in 24-48 hours. Never use human pain killers as some of them are highly TOXIC for pets. PREVENTIVE CURE is highly recommended to avoid serious and complicated problems and includes regular updates on vaccines, de-worming on regular basis, regular Wellness Exams 1-2/year, dental care, weight management and Flea/Heartworm/Tick prevention. Please feel free to call at clinic number if you have any questions regarding health care issues for your pets. Rivard Animal Hospital 5635 Tecumseh Rd East, Windsor, Ontario, N8T 1C8: (519) 974-7387,