Saturday, May 3, 2014


RABIES Rabies Virus that is nearly always highly fatal and ZOONOTIC problem caused by RhabdoVirus, mainly damaging the nervous system. Cats, Dogs, Horses, Sheep, Goats and HUMAN of all ages can be effected by this viral disease. Wild animals like Foxes, Wolves, Raccoons, Skunks, Bats and Rodents can be a source of infection to other pets. Contact with wildlife and negligence in vaccination against Rabies are main risk factors. Most common way of disease transmission is by bite but scratching by the effected animal can be a source of infection if nerve endings were exposed to virus. If pets are exposed to bat colonies, they can inhale the aerosolized virus particles and can catch the infection. Large amount of virus is present in salivary glands of effected animal and may start shedding through saliva a couple of weeks before showing any neurological signs of the disease. Following bite or scratch from infected animal, virus travels through nerve endings, replicates and damages the nervous system. Development of signs can take weeks to months. Clinical signs of the disease are variable and are mainly due to damaged nervous system. Some pets may show behavior changes, hyper salivation and paralysis OR may turn into furious form with more aggression and biting attitude. Unfortunately, once clinical signs develop, there is no treatment available. Suspected pet should be confined and quarantined under supervision. Death may occur within 10 days after the clinical signs has been developed. Public Health Unit recommended that if any pet bites or scratches to owner or other human, the pet should be placed under observation for 10 days from the date of incidence of bite or scratch. As the disease is a threat for human also, regular RABIES VACCINATION is required BY LAW in many areas for all pets regardless they are indoor cats or dogs or outdoor pets. Vaccines are injected to develop immunity against infectious diseases; some of these could be seriously fatal if puppies / kitten / cat / dogs are not properly vaccinated. Pet vaccination is highly recommended to build up a strong defense against those infectious and contagious diseases. Proper measures taken in time can help to enhance the quality of life for your pet. Some diseases like Rabies, Lyme or Leptospirosis, are a threat for human also, thus proper vaccination against such diseases can protect you, your family and other people in contact with your pet. Rabies vaccination is given first at 14-16 weeks of age and boosted one year later. Annual update on Rabies vaccine is recommended. Risks Associated with Vaccines In general vaccines are safe but still some pets can show allergic reaction to certain part of vaccines, though chances are rare and generally are mild, of short duration and can resolve by their own. Call your veterinarian if you noticed any serious side effect or allergic reaction. Symptoms may include Vomiting, Diarrhea, Facial swelling, Severe scratching, Hives or Difficult breathing. Mild lethargy after vaccines is a normal and does not require any treatment, generally subsides in 24-48 hours. Never use human pain killers as some of them are highly TOXIC for pets. PREVENTIVE CURE is highly recommended to avoid serious and complicated problems and includes regular updates on vaccines, de-worming on regular basis, regular Wellness Exams 1-2/year, dental care, weight management and flea prevention. Please feel free to call at clinic number if you have any questions regarding Pet Health Care issues. =============================================================== Rivard Animal Hospital 5635 Tecumseh Rd East, Windsor, ON N8T 1C8 Ph # (519) 974-7387,,

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